My name is Missy. I am 24 years old. I was born and raised in North Texas. We currently living in Hawaii. I am a stay at home mom and Navy wife. My husband and I were high school sweethearts. I am very close to my mother and older sister. I have had the same best friend for 10 years. I am a Beach body Coach. I love to run and craft on my free time. I would say I am loving my life right now and I am extremely lucky!
My life has not always been picture prefect. I grew up with a single mother. We didn't always have the nicest or newest things, but we were always well provided for. My parents have always struggled with addiction. (Both parents are kicking addictions ass now though!) I always told myself I would never have that problem and I wouldn't do drugs or drink. I did pretty well, I drank a little but was always careful and never too much. But I still had an addiction and my addiction has always been food. When I would go through hard times like a father figure walking out, relationship problems, stress or anxiety from daily life, boredom or loneliness I would always turn to food. I never really thought you could have an addiction to food, but I did. And like any other addiction you hide your emotions with a quick fix, never truly dealing with the problems at hand.
Fast forward many years of "yo-yo" and "fad" diets. In June 2012 I had my first baby girl. I was over joyed to have this little blessing in my life but the truth was I was overweight, lazy, and nothing fit. I was depressed because I wasn't happy with myself. I would look in the mirror daily and put myself down. I would hide under baggy clothes and although I appeared happy, I was miserable. To cope with my depression I did want I have always done, EAT! But now being a stay at home gave me even more time to eat, which eventually (after a year) put me at my highest weight I had ever been, even higher than when I was pregnant.
Fast forward many years of "yo-yo" and "fad" diets. In June 2012 I had my first baby girl. I was over joyed to have this little blessing in my life but the truth was I was overweight, lazy, and nothing fit. I was depressed because I wasn't happy with myself. I would look in the mirror daily and put myself down. I would hide under baggy clothes and although I appeared happy, I was miserable. To cope with my depression I did want I have always done, EAT! But now being a stay at home gave me even more time to eat, which eventually (after a year) put me at my highest weight I had ever been, even higher than when I was pregnant.
Now here we are a year later in May 2013 and I found myself soul searching and decided I was ready for a change. I had this little joyful girl looking up to me and I was not ready to disappoint her. I did not want her to grown up with the same problems I did. I never would want her to be bullied or teased like I was. I had seen a "beach body coach" posting about Insanity, P90x, TurboFire, all of which I had seen or heard of before but the part that
really stood out was that she was offering to be there for me every step
of the way to really motivate, push, and hold me accountable. Which
like many others this was exactly what I needed. I can workout and
attempt to eat right but I always was lacking the drive! This was the best decision I have made because after just 6 months I had lost 50lbs. I was healthier and more in shape than I had EVER been in my life.
I have now opened SO many more paths for myself. I was always so lost and never knew which direction I wanted to go in life. But I am now ready to set goals and dream BIG! I am now excited about my future and what I will be able to accomplish for here on out!
I have now opened SO many more paths for myself. I was always so lost and never knew which direction I wanted to go in life. But I am now ready to set goals and dream BIG! I am now excited about my future and what I will be able to accomplish for here on out!
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