Saturday, February 8, 2014


Running is quality time with me. Yep.. I run for me. JUST RUN

      Running has become my FREE therapy. I have over come a lot on my runs. I am a stay at home mom, military wife, and home maker so I don't get a lot of time to myself or to reflex. Running has given my daily down time for myself. On my runs I think about almost anything. The past, the present and the future.      
      I just love doing 5Ks. Before if you asked me to run an entire 5k (3.2m) I would have looked at you like you had completely lost your mind. I might of said something smart like, "Ill cheer you on!" or  "Ill walk it!" But not anymore. You tell me lets do a 5K and I am all about it. I think 5Ks have become my new favorite. 3miles? That's nothing! 

     If you are setting new goals for this coming year and you want to achieve running a full 5k, I strongly suggest that you download the FREE couch to 5k app or C25K. It is what I used when I first started wanting to lose weight. I mainly started to walk/run because I knew cardio was one of the best ways to drop the pounds, never ACTUALLY thinking I could become a runner! But once I got a taste of the feeling of accomplishment and knowing I killed my previous time I couldn't get enough.

designed to get just about anyone from the couch to running 5 kilometers or 30 minutes in just 9 weeks

 Progress with Practice

    The very first time in my 24 years I had ran the full 5k was in June 2013. Now it was REALLY slow but you know what? I did it and I let that time drive me to get a better time the next 5k. I was using c25k app at this time and trying my hardest!

    Now here we are 8 months later and I have cut my time in half. Am I the fastest? NO! But every time I run I think about my last time and I try to bet it!

You are your biggest and best competitor!! Strive to improve. Push your limits! 

My 5k RACE Experiences


  In October 2013 was my first 5K, the Halloween 5K. I was so proud of my time because I did not stop running! It was incredibly hot out but I pushed myself and I got one of the best times I had ran for a 3k.  

  Then in November 2013 I ran my second 5k. This one was the Patriot GLOW 5k, sadly i didn't have my phone OR watch to record my time and they only recorded the top finishers! But I know I finished between 38-40mins. This race was a lot of fun but more of a challenge because of the small hills. 


   Today (February 2014) I ran my third 5k. The Valentines 5k. It was the same course as my first 5k. I truly felt amazing during this run. I was running on sore legs but after the first half mile my legs were warmed up and ready to GO! The last mile I really pushed. I set my eyes on a man in front of me that was keep a really good pace and pushed to catch him. Once I had realized I was going to get my goal which was 3miles in 30mins, I got another little push and just opened my stride and went for it. The best feeling in the world is crushing your goals and feeling like you pushed yourself as hard as you could.


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